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Arts in Health

Arts in Health operates from the principle that the arts are integral to health and healthcare provision and that everybody, regardless of their health status, should have access to the arts.


Arts in Health is founded on a principle of equal partnership between the arts and health sectors. It embraces a range of arts practices occurring primarily in healthcare settings, which bring together the skills and priorities of both arts and health professionals. It is characterised by clear artistic vision, goals and outcomes that seek to enhance individual and community health and wellbeing. Improving quality of life and cultural access is at the heart of this work.


I have a particular interest in the therapeutic benefits of a range of craft materials and media, as well as craft’s potential to build community, to support individuals in caring for themselves and each other, and to play a valuable role in non-clinical Arts in Health initiatives.


In addition to successfully gaining funding for the projects I co-designed and facilitated (presented below), I have also acted as a consultant for CNWL Arts in Health.  


For many people who have been on an inpatient mental health ward, being discharged back to the community can be a time which tarnishes self-confidence and self-worth. Re:Surface was a therapeutic vocational Arts in Health project which supported individuals to gain a better sense of identity through the art of craft. With a specific focus on surface design and the transferability of printmaking techniques to ceramic forms, participants used imagery from their recovery stories to adorn a vibrant collection of ceramic wares, showcasing their abilities and skills. 


This project was kindly supported by the Maudsley Charity.  

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“I have gained SO much knowledge about ceramics and have really developed my skills a lot. It has also helped my confidence with public speaking. The routine of coming here each week has been critical in my maintaining and continuing progress in my recovery.”

A., Project Participant

Bethlem Handmade 2

Bethlem Handmade 2 (BH2) was a paid vocational arts-based project focused on supporting service users from South London and Maudsley NHS Mental Health Trust, who were going to or had recently been discharged from a mental health in-patient setting, learn the necessary skills to design and manufacture a saleable ceramics collection.


This project was generously supported by the Maudsley Charity.

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This is exactly the sort of project patients/residents leaving the service need to transition into their lives and expand their horizons. Also, it is the way the project was presented... a professional ceramics studio, with decent tools and equipment, the smart, clean gallery space to showcase the work, the logo of the project, the staff’s knowledge and abilities as well as the way they worked with the group. Being taken so seriously meant we all felt pride in taking part. Personally, I think this was an outstanding example of the kind of therapeutic groups that should be available to people struggling with mental health. Thank you.

H., Project Participant

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If you have questions, or would like to discuss a project, please get in touch. I’m always happy to talk.

© 2022 by evelyn pelayo. All rights reserved. 

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